At GridcoreServers, our unwavering mission is to become the preeminent web hosting provider, distinguished not only by our cutting-edge technology but also by our unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction. We recognize that today's digital landscape demands exceptional service, and we strive to deliver nothing less. Our professional team is meticulously dedicated to understanding the ever-evolving needs of our customers, ensuring that we not only meet but exceed their expectations. By combining state-of-the-art infrastructure, reliable performance, and a user-friendly experience, we seamlessly integrate innovation with unparalleled support. We firmly believe that our success is built upon the satisfaction and loyalty of our customers, and that belief drives us to continually improve and evolve our services. At GridcoreServers, we envision a future where our customers' hosting needs are seamlessly met, allowing them to focus on their passions, games, or online businesses, while we take care of the rest.
CEO / Founder
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Operating Officer
Support Engineer
Service your customers and players world wide from our premium Fremont, CA, Dallas, Texas and Ashburn, Virginia data centers..
- Fast load times with extensive peering
- Fully redundant with automatic fail-over
- Network usage never over 80%, even during peak hours
- 0% Packet Loss Guarantee
- 100% unshared/dedicated ports
- 100% Company owned hardware
Uptime is no longer based on just redundancy. The internet has been quickly evolving and has introduced new threats, specifically DDoS attacks. We believe that DDoS protection should be a standard across all servers. We offer free DDoS protection for our Bend, Oregon, Dallas, Texas and Ashburn, Virginia servers.
- Instantly mitigates malicious attacks
- Only clean traffic is sent to the server
- Protection from small and large attacks
- Included free of charge with any server
- Completely transparent to regular traffic